May 11, 2020 Volume 24 Issue 10 | The Canadian Foodgrains Bank had its beginnings in 1975 as the Mennonite Central Committee Food Bank. In November 1982, representatives of 10 Christian denominations met to discuss plans for an inter-church foodgrains bank. Among those at the meeting, pictured left to right facing the camera, were Frank H. Epp, J.M. Klassen and C. Wilbert Loewen. The new Canadian Foodgrains Bank Association was incorporated in May 1983. The five member agencies were the Baptist Federation of Canada Relief and Development Committee, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Christian Reformed World Relief Committee and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). Today the Foodgrains Bank has three areas of work and contributed the following funds in 2018-19: food assistance ($23 million), agriculture and livelihoods ($13 million), and nutrition ($2 million).