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- Allgemeiner Conferenz Handbuch zum gebrauch bei
gottesdienstlichen Handlungen zunachst fuer die Aeltesten und Prediger
der Mennonitegemeinde in Nord Amerika. Bern: Christliche Central Buchhandlung, 1893.
- Arnold, Emmy. Torches Together: the Beginning and Early Years of the Bruderhof Communities. Rifton, NY: Plough Pub. House, 1971. 231 pp.
- Barrett, Lois. The vision and the reality: the story of home missions in the General Conference Mennonite Church;
commissioned by the Commission on Home Ministries of the G.C.M.C.
Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press, 1983. xii, 339 pp. ill., maps.
- Bechler, LeRoy. The Black Mennonite Church in North america, 1886-1986. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1986. 196 pp., ill.
- Cinsinger, Bertha E. Cheyenne Mission Souvenir. 1911. Unnumbered pages.
- Cummings, Mary Lou, ed. Full Circle: Stories of Mennonite Women. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1978. 204 pp.
- Erb, Alta Mae, ed. Studies in Mennonite City Missions. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1937. 224 pp.
- Friesen, H.D. Menno Amerika: Auswanderung nach Amerika und ihr Schicksal im neuen Lande. n.p. Selbstverlag, 1957, 1936. 20 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Christian Service. The Church, the Gospel, and the War;
a Report of the G.C. Peace Study Conference held at Eden Mennonite
Church, Moundridge, Kansas, April 10-11, 1953. Newton, Kansas: G.C.
Mennonite Church, 1953. Pages individually numbered.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Christian Service. Mennonites in Labor relations and Industry. G.C. Mennonite Church: Board of Christian Service, 1960. 36 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Missions. Speak for your Faith! Committee on Evangelism, Board of Missions, G.C. Menn. Church, Newton, Kansas, 1964. 39 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Missions. Guiding
Policies and Principles for Missionaries of the G.C. Mennonite Church, Board of Missions, 1962. 55 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Charter and Constitution of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America. rev. and adopted 1945. n.d. 20 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Church and Society Conference, October 31-November 3, 1961. Chicago, Illinois: G.C. Mennonite Church, 1961 mimeo.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Committee on Ministry.
Conference on Ordination. Committee on the Ministry (Board of Missions),
held at Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Chicago, July 10-11, 1957. 170 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Constitution of the General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton: GCMC, 1956. 33 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Constitution of the General Conference Mennonite Church. Preliminary printing, February, 1953. Newton: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1953. 22 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Evangelism Committee “Other sheep I have”:
A Handbook on Church Evangelism. (Newton, Kansas) Published by the
Evangelism committee under the auspices of the Home Mission Board of the
General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America, 1941. 48
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Handbuch zum Gebrauch bei
gottesdienstlichen Handlungen zunaechst fuer die Aeltesten und Prediger
der mennoniten Gemeinden in Nord Amerika. Berne, Indiana: Mennonite Book Concern, 1921. 135 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Jubilaeumsfest die Allgemeinen Konferenz die Mennonite in North Amerika. Berne: Mennonite Book Concern, 1909. 95 pp.
- General Conference Mennonite Church. Statements on Peace Race
Relations: A Statement…on peace, war, military service and patriotism,
adopted 1941; Christian declaration on peace, war and military
service, adopted 1959; a Christian declaration on race relations,
adopted 1959. (3 pamphlets).
- Goering, Gladys V. Women in Search of Mission: A History of the General Conference Mennonite Women’s Organization. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1980. 128 pp.
- Graff, Tom. In the Beginning was the Word: Dutch- Prussian-
Russian Mennonite manuscripts in North American collections: An Essay on
Aesthetic and social influences. Vancouver: Burnaby Art Gallery Association, 1983. 24 pp. ill.
- Harder, Gustav. Ein Ueberblick ueber die Missionstaetigkeit der Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennoniten von Nord-Amerika. Newton, Kansas: Missionsbehoerde, 1915. 32 pp.
- Harder, Leland. Fact Book of Congregational Membership: General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton, Kansas: G.C. Mennonite Church, 1971. mimeo.
- Harder, Leland. Fact Book of Congregational Membership 1980-81. Newton, Kansas: G.C. Mennonite Church, 1982. Selections individually paginated.
- Harder, Leland. The Quest for Equilibrium in an Established Sect: A Study of Social Change in the General Conference Mennonite Church. Evanston, Ill: 1962. 368 pp.
- Haury, Samuel S. Briefe ueber die Ausbreitung des Evangeliums in der Heidenwelt: Allen Mennoniten in Nord-Amerika Dargeboten. Halstead, Kansas: Westlichen Publikations Gesellschaft, 1877. 108 pp.
- Hertzler, Daniel. From Germantown to Steinbach: A Mennonite Odyssey. Scottdale, P.A.: Kitchener, Ontario:Herald Press, 1981. 255 pp.
- Hiebert, Clarence, comp. Brothers in Deed to Brothers in need; a Scrapbook about Mennonite Immigrants from Russia 1870-1855. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1974. 469 pp.
- History of Manitoba Mennonite Women in Mission. Winnipeg, 1977.
- Hoover, Amos B., ed. The Jonas Martin Era; Presented in a Collection of Essays, Letters and Documents. Denver, PA: Muddy Creek Farm Library, 1982. 1128 pp., ill.
- Horsch, John. The Background and Heritage of the Mennonite Church. Scottdale, P.A.: Mennonite Publishing House, n.d. 22 pp.
- Hostetler, John A. Mennonite Life. Scottdale, PA; Kitchener, ON: Herald Press, c1983. 48 p., ill (pt. col.), map
- Hunsberger, Gordon. Land and Development. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 1983. 32 pp. (Development monograph series; 10).
- Janzen, A.E. Survey of Five of the Mission Fields of the
Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America located in
India, Africa, Brazil, Paraguay and Columbia. Hillsboro, Kansas, 1950. 157 pp.
- Janzen, William, comp. Mennonite Submissions to the Canadian Government. Ottawa: MCC Canada, 70 pp.
- Kaufman, E. G. The Development of Missions and Philanthropic Interest among the Mennonites of North America. Berne: Mennonite Book Concern, 1931. 416 pp.
- Kaufman, E. G. Mennonite and their Heritage. Our Mission as a Church of Christ. Akron: MCC, 1944. 59 pp.
- Klassen, A. J. Introducing the Mennonite Brethren Church. Fresno,
Cal.: Board of Christian Literature, General Conference of Mennonite
Brethren Churches, c1970. 32 pp. ill.
- Krahn, Cornelius. From the Steppes to the Prairies. Newton: Mennonite Publications Office, 1949. 115 pp.
- Krehbiel, H. P. The History of the Mennonite General Conference. Newton, Author, 1898. 504 pp.
- Krehbiel, H. P. The History of the Mennonite General Conference. Newton, Author, 1938. 682 pp.
- Krehbiel, H. P. Mennonite Churches of North America. Newton: Herald Publishing Company, 1911, 92 pp.
- Krehbiel, H. P. Mennonites of North America. Newton: Herald Publishing Company, 1926, 22 pp.
- Kadelbach, Ada. Die Hymnodie der Mennoniten in Nordamerika
(1742-1860); eine Studie zur Verpflanzung, Bewahrung and Umformung
europaeischer Kirchenliedtradition (dissertation). Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet zu Mainz, 1971. 265 pp.
- Kaufman, Edmund. ed. General Conference Mennonite Pioneers. North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College, 1973. 438 pp.
- Konferenzberichten der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde von Nordamarika, 1883-1919. Hillsboro, Kansas: Mennonite Brethren Pub. House, 1920. 520 pp.
- Kraus, Clyde Norman. Evangelicalism and Anabaptism. Scottdale, Pa., Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1979. 187 pp.
- Mennonite Board of Missions. Being God’s Missionary Community: Reflections on Mennonite Missions 1945-1975. Elkhart: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1975. 128 pp.
- Mennonite Brethren Church. Board of Missions. Guiding Principles and Policies of Mennonite Brethren Church Missions. 2nd ed. Hillsboro, Ks., MB Church, Board of Missions, 1960. 42 pp.
- Mennonite Brethren Church. Confession of Faith of the M.B. Church of North America (American edition). Hillsboro, M.B. Pub. House, n.d. Confessionof Faith of the M.B. Church in Russia (in Russian) 2 pamphlets bound into one.
- Mennonite Brethren Church. Konferenzberichte der Mennoniten
Bruedergemeinde von Nord Amerika, 1839-1919, nebst Konstitution der
Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde von Nord Amerika. Hillsboro, Kansas: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1920. 520 pp.
- Miller, Ivan J. History of the Conservative Mennonite Conference 1910-1985 / by Ivan J. Miller. Grantsville, ND: Ivan J. and Della Miller, 1985. 365 pp. ill.
- Moyer, Samuel T. They Heard the Call. Newton: Pub. for G.C. Mennonite Church, Commission on Overseas Mission by Faith and Life Press, 1970. 171 pp.
- Neufeld, Vernon H., ed. If We Can Love: the Mennonite Mental Health Story. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, c1983. xii, 340 pp. ill.
- Pannabecker, Samuel Floyd. Ventures of Faith; the Story of Mennonite Biblical Seminary. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Biblical Seminary, 1975. 117 pp.
- Pannabecker, Samuel Floyd. The Development of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America in the America Environment. 2 Vols. 1944. 1301 pp.
- Pannabecker, Samuel Floyd. Open Doors; The History of the General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton: Faith & Life press, 1975. 462 pp., ill.
- Penner, John M. A Concise History of the Church of God. by John M. Penner. 3d printing (with some additions.) Hesston, KS: Gospel Publishers, 1967, 1951.
- Priebe, Fred E. One Hundred Years on the North American Prairies (1874-1974); A Family Story. Saskatoon, Sask., 1974. 167 pp.
- Schlabach, Theron R. Gospel versus Gospel: Mission and the Mennonite Church. 1863-1944. Scottdale, Pa., Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1980. 351 pp.
- Smissen, Hillegonda van der. The History of our Missionary Societies. G.C. Mennonites of N.A., Women’s Home and Foreign Missionary Association, n.d. 32 pp.
- Smith, C. Henry. Mennonites in America. 2nd ed. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1942.
- Smith, C. Henry. Mennonites in America and Mennonite and their Heritage. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1944. 70 pp.
- Smith, C. Henry. The Coming of the Russian Mennonites. Berne: Mennonite Book Concern, 1927. 296 pp.
- Unger, P. Von Russland Steppen nach Amerikas Goldfeldern; fuenf Jahre Irrfahrten. Bad Homburg: Wiegand, 1921. 157 pp.
- Unruh, A. J. Great Grandfather’s Diary. Montezuma, Kansas. no publ., n.d.
- Urry, James. “Who are the Mennonites?” Reprint Arch. Europ. Sociol., XXIV (1983). 22 pp.
- Western District Conference. Abdruck der Gesant-Piotokolle der Kansas und Westlichen Distrikt-Konferenz der Mennoniten Nord-Amerikas, 1877-1909. 491 pp.
- Western District Conference. Konstitution der Westlichen Distrikt, 1893. Newton: Volksblatt, 1909.
- Wiebe, Katie Funk. Day of Disaster. Scottdale, Pa., Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1976. 208 pp.
- Wiens, Harry J. The Mennonite Brethren Churches of North America: An Illustrated Survey. Hillsboro: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1954. 192 pp., ill.