The Anabaptist Story Lives On: Virtual Museum & Archives Tour

Throughout May and June, as well as November and December of 2020, TourMagination hosted virtual tours of Mennonite Museums and Archives. The Mennonite Heritage Archives was the first “stop” in May and kicked off round 2 in November. Archivist Conrad Stoesz shares how the Anabaptist story lives on in two webinars.
Five more presentations will take place January 5 to February 2, 2021.
Mennonites and Hutterites at a Crossroad 1914 – 1926
Public Lecture: Thursday, November 7, 7 – 9 PM
Canadian Mennonite University’s Conference Room (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
John Friesen will explore the Mennonite experience in Canada and the departure of Mennonites for Latin and South America. Ian Kleinsasser will examine the Hutterite experience in the United States and their early settlement in Canada.

Canada and the United States were not always comfortable homes for minority groups like Mennonites and Hutterites. The education, non-violence, communal living, and language practiced by Mennonites and Hutterites irritated some and even threatened others. During and after World War One this lead to financial penalties, prison sentences, disenfranchisement, shaming, and even death for a few young men in the USA. Accommodation and emigration were the responses from these communities.
Until Saturday, November 9, MHC Gallery is hosting the Voices of Conscience: Peace Witness in the Great War museum exhibition from the Kauffman Museum, North Newton, Kansas. MHC Gallery will be open prior to and immediately following the lecture.

This public lecture is supported by Canadian Mennonite University, Mennonite Church Canada, and the Centre for Transnational Mennonite Studies.